Church Saint Joseph of Harlem

Welcome on new website of st.Joseph of Harlem - - We are very happy to announce that St. Joseph of the Holy Family has opened its doors for Mass
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Who is Saint Joseph of the Holy Family?

Joseph was the righteous man, whom God gave as a bridegroom to the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God. He was the faithful and prudent servant to whom God entrusted the Holy Family. Saint Joseph watched like a father over the Only Begotten of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ, conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit.

According to the divine Plan, the Messiah was to be born of a Virgin, but the Word made flesh and his young mother, needed a protector who would take the place of an earthly father, a faithful and devoted guardian who would surround them with his affection, and whose work would make them live. Joseph was to give the Lord his civil status, his insertion in society.

Joseph was of the line of David, but, while having this royal ancestry, he lived in very modest conditions. He exercised the profession of carpenter (cf. Mt. 13,55: “Is not this the son of the carpenter?”). Joseph was a simple man, poor, silent, humble and gentle, patient and strong, full of goodness, piety, fidelity to the Will of God. The Gospel tells us that he was “righteous” (Mt. 1,19: “Joseph, her husband, who was a righteous man”).


Let us love Saint Joseph! Let us call on him fervently, and imitate him, living like him, with Mary, for Jesus. Sanctify our life with humility, simplicity, faith, obedience, piety, love of God and neighbor, kindness, gentleness and fidelity to our Christian duty.


Saint Joseph of the Holy Family, protect our church.

St. Joseph of the Holy Family Church Bell Tower